Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wrappin' it up.... Kenya dig it?

Tomorrow begins my last week of teaching here-wow! I'm making plans to spend a few days in Nairobi before heading home on April 11th.
There is so much I want to "do" before I come home, and so much I hope to do when I do return-I have "to do" lists growing rapidly. God has provided clear direction for my "near" future and it's wonderful trusting in His provision day-to-day. One verse that's really hit me hard recently is Matt. 6:19 "You cannot serve both God and money." Whom do I serve when I worry about God's provisions for my future? hmm.
I know I'll miss things here, and as it read in my story to pre-schoolers last week, "When I am in one place, my heart is in the other...." Yet, with all my "thoughts and talks about life" (that's for you K & A) as I begin to wrap things up here in Kenya, I feel ready to come home. I've missed the conversations and wisdom from mentors and friends at home, and look forward to catching up with each one of you as God provides opportunity!

Below are a few pictures from special moments in the past month or so...

friends on Motigo

Motigo @ Sunrise


"Radiant Rays"

Kenyan Hut (common view)

Saturday afternoon walk w/ the Miedemas and friends

1 comment:

Beth said...

Sarah, I've LOVED seeing all your pictures and reading about your African adventures. I hope that your last week overseas is amazing and that you have a safe trip home!

Let me know what you're up to this summer - Bible study maybe, if you're around SW Mich?