Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Mark of the Lion"

I've had some extra time lately and just finished reading (for the 2nd time) Francine River's "Mark of the Lion" series. I thought this a worthy point of interest for my blog, as God has used these three books to encourage & challenge me in my relationship with Him and my world. Two main characters in the series-Hadassah and Rizpah, are women who know grace and set strong, clear examples of a life that has been changed by Christ's redeeming blood. The setting is in ancient Rome, which both feeds and increases my recent hunger to better understand the historical time period shortly after Jesus walked walked on this earth. The stories and conversations in the books teach biblical and historical perspective in ways that impact my personal desire for growth, I believe largely in part because of the Scripture interwoven throughout the pages (God's Word is alive and active)!!! So... if you have extra time and like to read, Bridgman Public Library has all three of these books, and I own the first if you'd like to borrow it. :)

*Thank you God for using even "fun" books to teach us more of who You are.*


Elizabeth said...

Greetings Sarah!

I adore this series you have posted about and highly recommend it as you do!

God is indeed good to teach us His word and how to live it out even in fictional reading.

Faith said...

I miss you Sarah!