Saturday, March 21, 2009

“Who can speak and have it happen unless the LORD decrees it?”

March 19, 2009
Knowing I have only weeks left until returning home has produced mixed emotions, and while my trust in the fact that God is sovereign stands strong, facing the unknown future with complete and total peace is something I must practice daily. God’s Word has become a precious daily food that I hunger for, and I am continually amazed at the more I learn, the less I know. There has been a lot of spiritual growth happening in and around me lately, and I sense Satan’s focus of attack in little things like feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty, struggle to trust fully in His perfect plan, provision and timing.
However, despite Satan’s attempts to discourage, God has countered his schemes and encouraged, grown, and strengthened me in multiple ways… Star-gazing in the Southern Hemisphere, spotting the Southern Cross and upside down Big Dipper filled me- as the night skies always do, with a sense of wonder at our Father’s kindnesses to His children and how huge He is. Friendship with Sonja has been a consistent source of fun, conversation, and learning. A promise in Lamentations: “Who can speak and have it happen unless the LORD decrees it?” Friends who ask to pray together. Jesus Calling devotional book (highly recommended). Submersion in a culture of Christ-followers, serving despite and growing because of trials. Encouragement & support from people back home & here who know me well.
Thank you friends- because of you and your prayers I am much encouraged and excited to return home as I seek where God has me next on the journey of life on earth. Love to you all!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

read this morning the story of Gideon in Judges 6-7 and can't help but think of the feelings of inadequacy that you mentioned (the same feelings i am having much of these days). Gideon seems wimpy and faithless, admitting that he is from the weakest clan and that he is the least among his siblings, asking for signs from the Lord. but the LORD calls Gideon a "mighty man of valor" the one that God has chosen to save Israel. HOW PRECIOUS that God does not see us for who we are apart from Him, helpless and sinful and scared- when He looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Christ and the strength of His Spirit in us- He sees us NOT for who we are, but for who He is making us to BE. i am blown away and humbled and encouraged.
praying Gideon over you today my dear. our God has big plans to use you, in your weakness and frailty, that the WORLD may know that He is the LORD. much love and a covering of prayer for the weeks to come.