Friday, January 21, 2011

ways i see my LORD in 2011 (3)

*january 15*
i love winter. this is a rather uncommon, unshared sentiment in the state of michigan, but snuggling under a blanket, hoodies and a hot beverage leaves me feeling snug as a bug in a rug.

*january 16*
freshwater coloma church began 10.10.10 and i have been learning so much about trusting a very Big God!

*january 17*
happy golden birthday noah & rebeccah wisner! i was rather glad that my chicago trip was cancelled so i could spend a birthday breakfast with you.

*january 18*
~smile~ one of my students created this happy face that God used to bring me joy

*january 19*
not only does the moon reflect God's creativity and love for beauty, but this is a view from the driveway of the house i grew up in and a sight i have seen often when gazing at the starry skies

*january 20*
"put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience... forgive one another as the Lord forgave you... over all these virtues put on love...."
for our first community group we looked at and talked about ways to follow the above commands in practical ways. i am looking forward to what God will do in this group. 

*january 21*
i had a friend from my milwood magnet middle school days share dinner with me tonight. it was fun trying out a new recipe, and the colors of the veggies and my bowl made me thankful for my sight.

1 comment:

Katie Barker said...

Hey Sarah, I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed your weekly posts and it actually gave me some inspiration for my own life. I hope you'll pick up camera again - and let us know how you're seeing God.