Saturday, January 15, 2011

ways i see my LORD in 2011 (2)

*january 8*
"powerful, so powerful, Your glory fills the skies
Your mighty works displayed for all to see
the beauty of Your majesty awakes my heart to sing how marvelous, how beautiful You are"
~chris tomlin's beautiful one~

*january 9*
sledding day at hayes park watervliet with the freshwater coloma youth
emmy and emily are two beautiful girls i am thankful to be getting to know

*january 10*
"let's talk about life..."
i bought this plate today for a few reasons:
1. because i always love talking with people about life, especially when it connects to our spiritual journey towards life everlasting
2. because it reminded me of friends who know that about me, which makes me thankful to have friends who know and love me well

*january 11*
today my very giving and thoughtful daddy made a special stop on his way to work leaving a very yummy surprise lunch from my pretty mama on my car. i felt very loved...

*january 12*
the night was late by the time i got home from a long day, but as i pulled into my parking space the snow glistened like a blanket of sparkly glitter and i thought about how in this entire blanket of snow there were no two snowflakes alike. same with people. a mind-boggling thought at God's hugeness and creativity.

*january 13*
this morning i checked facebook before leaving and as i watched this video i was struck by the blessing it is to be in community with people who love God and use their talents for bringing honor and recognition to His Glorious name

*january 14*
this past week at work has been really difficult - both physically and mentally draining, but God has really blessed us with a wonderful substitute who even brought us chocolate!

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