Monday, April 11, 2011

eyes wide shut

have you ever felt like your eyes were wide shut?

WIDE open to the knowledge that God, the Author of our salvation, the Alpha and the Omega, is in control and always faithful, yet SHUT to that beautiful promise because our human mind in circumstances beyond "our control" prevents us from understanding the ways of our all-knowing Creator God.

Personal Application: While I want to scream (with my eyes shut), "It's not fair!" I also am thankful to be quietly convicted by God's faithfulness in history and my own life, to be reminded by God's Word that the plans God has for us are for our good-not to harm us and that His ways and thoughts are unlike our own, to have my eyes WIDE. I can fall asleep tonight saying, "Many, oh LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you. Were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare" (Ps. 40:5) and to know that I will one day be able to look at the circumstances of the present and say, "I'm so glad God did that...."


Ray.of.sunshine said...

Hi Sarah, I really like your blog and hope you will continue. Your sensitivities are remarkable. Haven't had and tah-tahing experiences lately, but this is definitely a different part of the country. Take care and keep putting yourself out there.

Your frien, Ray

A Day in the Life said...

Thanks Ray! Someday I'd love to hear of your mountain adventures in person. :)