Monday, May 16, 2011


I got this orchid when Justin and Young Jin Baney were married in October 2009. I've never been great at keeping plants alive, but all this required was getting three ice-cubes once a week and with that simple task I managed to keep its three orchid blooms until January 2010. Since they fell off, I've continued feeding it every Sunday and have seen 2 new leaves grow and just this past week noticed a new stalk had sprung up! 
The reason I have SO enjoyed this orchid plant is that, not only does it remind me to pray for the Baneys, but that it quietly whispers reminders to me that even when I don't see visible evidences of God working in me, by feeding myself with time in prayer, reading the Bible and in His presence, God is quietly at work within me until some point when a "new leaf, stalk, or flower" appears and my heart wells up with joy at how beautifully my LORD works his majestic wonders of change and growth in who I am as his beloved child.  


YJ said...

Thank you for Sharing Sarah! and for praying for us. It's precious to hear what God is doing in your season! miss you!

Ray.of.sunshine said...

Really enjoy your blog & pictures Sarah. Hope you are well. West Virginia is "Wild & Wonderful". See ya, Ray