Saturday, March 17, 2012


over the past six weeks or so, i've (quite by accident) realized some things about myself when it comes to facebook. i can give it too much time, quite unintentionally. oops?!
(i've battled with feeling overwhelmed over the past few years with how blessed i feel with the huge number of amazing people God lets me know and love- the years of my life to this point have been filled with sweet opportunities of meeting, knowing and loving people). facebook is a pretty cool way to stay in touch with what God is doing in their lives, but i need a balance and the past six weeks have shown me how much "freedom" can come from not constantly wanting to see what's new on facebook, to really focus on and enjoy the relationships that come and grow through face-to-face interactions with others. so, i know that there will likely be times that come when i am more active on facebook (i.e. this summer?), but i am wanting to grow in using it as a tool for godly interactions and not feeling like kicking myself for spending so much time on it.... you'll still see me around on facebook-don't get me wrong, just maybe not as much as i was before. :)

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